Make sure the goods you deliver make it to customers in mint condition with Northrich's cost-effective protective packaging solutions.
The ANGLEGUARDTM edge protector ensures stability and ease of loading for transportation. It helps to greatly improve productivity, protect goods from damage and substantially reduce replacement costs.

ANGLEGUARD™ Pallet Packaging
ANGLEGUARD ™ and STRAP GUARD ensure stability as well as ease of loading for transport.
Ready Display Solutions
When used in addition to other packaging solutions, ANGLEGUARD TM is an effective way to create a ready-to-use display in big box stores.
Stacking & Savings
The ANGLEGUARD TM product offers better stacking strength and ensures better storage and shipping of heavy platforms. It also improves product protection and generates cost savings to meet a wide range of domain-specific applications.
Automated Handling
Finally, the ANGLEGUARDTM product can be used to standardize pallet sizes as well as to facilitate the implementation of fully automated handling and warehousing systems.
Need to know the number of angleguards per pallet?